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A general sense of fashion and style is important!

Fashion events for everyone

Men should be wearing long trousers, closed shoes, a collared shirt and a jacket or tie. Bonus points for a hat if it works with the overall outfit, and accessories such as a handkerchief, flower, watch etc.


For the ladies, a skirt or dress (not trousers) and no mini-skirts. A hat or fascinator is essential. Classic racing fashion leans towards the well-groomed and lady like, so messy hair and overly revealing outfits are frowned upon, as is too much make-up.


Overall the outfit should work as a whole, with co-ordinated accessories and attention to detail. 


For both sexes it's important that the outfit is appropriate to the occasion and climate. An awareness of current fashion trends is something that judges look for but originality is also favoured as long as the outfit meets the essential criteria and is appropriate for the occasion and climate.


Deportment is a key factor and judges frown upon skylarking, excessive alcohol consumption or an inability to follow the instructions given.





On the day there will be 8 categories in the following:

Under 18 year olds (3 divisions)

Mr and Mrs Myers

Classic Ladies and Classic Gentlemen

Best Dressed Couple

Best Millinery

Best Homemade Millinery


If you are considering entering these events please be prompt when presenting yourself at the appointed times for the category you wish to enter. (Fashion events run between races)

Maree Breuer

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